Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let's Talk About Issues, Baby!

Since the beginning of his campaign, Richard Mourdock has said he was running a campaign of issues important to Indiana.

A quick Google search shows that Mourdock has done anything BUT discuss any actual issue.

While Dick Lugar was fighting President Obama's decision to bomb Libya, where was Richard Mourdock?

While Dick Lugar was working with Senate Republicans to pass historic spending cuts and responsibly fund the rest of this year, where was Richard Mourdock?

This could go on for pages.  One look at the record of Dick Lugar shows the tremendous amount of work he's accomplished for Indiana and the United States.

What has Richard Mourdock really accomplished for him to be a qualified U.S. Senate candidate?  He has yet to answer this question.

Simply stating how you'd vote on an issue offers zero insight as to how you'd make that decision and why it's best for Indiana as a whole.  Dick Lugar carefully calculates each decision he makes and its bottom line effect on Hoosiers.  Does the State Treasurer have that level of credibility? Who knows.

We're waiting, Richard.  All of Indiana is waiting.

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