Friday, April 1, 2011

Campaign Finance Fudge?

First topic. Earlier this week Mourdock told the press that he raised "around $125,000" in his first month of campaigning (

But wait, his campaign mailing (copied below) explicitly says they're $4k short of that amount three days after that story was published, which just happens to be more than five weeks, not four, into his campaign.

Why didn't he tell the reporter he had raised "around $120,000 in the first month" or he "hoped to raise $125,000 in the first quarter"? Why the willfully misleading accounting fudge from the officer in charge of safeguarding our state's finances?

Dear Supporter:

Hi, I am Ashlee Walls, Fundraiser for Richard Mourdock's Senatorial campaign. In case you missed Richard's email yesterday, I wanted to forward it to you and remind you of the important fundraising deadline that ends midnight tonight.

We have set an internal goal of raising $125,000. With your help, we are only $4,000 away! Your donation towards our goal will show Indiana Republicans that it is time to send a conservative to Capitol Hill.

Thank you,
Ashlee Walls
Finance Director, Hoosiers for Richard Mourdock

1 comment:

  1. Really? This is all that you can come up with? Nitpicking about twitter comments and dollar amounts of fundraising?

    I thought Lugar and his supporters were above this. But then again, I was wrong.
